Culture of Care Framework

LGSD Culture of Care Framework

LGSD Culture of Care Framework

La Grande School District (LGSD) is continually striving to provide a high quality, engaging, and personalized education experience for all students. Through a systematic and comprehensive approach called the LGSD “Culture of Care Framework” our school district is committed to providing all students a safe and caring learning environment, LGSD has a focus on helping students to grow into productive, positive, competent and service oriented citizens.

LGSD Equity Lens Poster

LGSD Equity Lens

For more information about La Grande School District please visit the following:

A full list of LGSD Culture of Care Documents can be found in the Documents Module of our website or by clicking the following link:

Trauma Informed Care and SEL (Social Emotional Learning)

For students who need additional support to develop social emotional skills and competencies we provide tiered supports for students and families. Parents, teachers, students, administration and support staff work to determine the needs of the child together. As a team, we determine what skills to focus on and strategies that will be used to meet the student's needs. We celebrate with students and families when these social emotional skills have been learned and the student can enjoy better and healthier relationships with their peers and family.

LGSD Culture of Care Tiers of Support

LGSD Culture of Care Tiers of Support

LGSD Behavior System Road Map

LGSD Behavior System Road Map

LGSD Working Through Big Emotions

LGSD Working Through Big Emotions

Counseling and Mental Health Resources

ODE Integrated Model of Mental Health

ODE Integrated Model of Mental Health

LGSD Counseling and Mental Health Resources Website

Suicide Prevention

Staff Resources

  • EAP and Work-Life Resources

    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefits are available to all employees and their families at NO COST to you.

  • Moda 360 -

    • Every time you call Moda Health, you will be connected with a Moda 360 health navigator. The health navigator will not only answer any questions you may have, but will also serve as your guide to connect you with the care, resources and programs that will work best for you.

Bullying and Cyberbullying Resources


La Grande High School Tiger logo

LHS Resources

The Genders and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) is an organization of clubs, located primarily in high schools, that serves students who identify as LGBTQ2SIA+.  La Grande High School has had an active GSA (formerly Gay-Straight Alliance) since the spring of 2013, when it was created out of the need for every LHS student to have a space where they felt comfortable and affirmed.

Founded in San Francisco in 1998, GSA Network emerged as a youth-driven organization that connects LGBTQ+ youth and school-based GSA clubs through peer support, leadership development, and community organizing and advocacy. Our youth leadership development model supports youth in starting, strengthening and sustaining GSA clubs to create school communities where all students can be safe from discrimination, harassment, and violence based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. GSA organizing rapidly expanded into a national youth organizing movement that now works at the intersection of racial and gender justice. - GSA Network Website

ODE Resources

Resources for Students

The Trevor Project: A resource where LGBTQ youth and their allies can find answers to frequently asked questions, and explore resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity and more! Trevor’s counselors are available 24/7 for text, chat or phone support.

Resources for Families

  • Fierce Families Network: This is a network of families convened by Basic Rights Oregon with a focus on transgender children.

  • Family Acceptance Project: This is an initiative that is intended to support ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse families support LGBTQ2SIA+ children.

Resources for Educators

La Grande Pride Newsletter

La Grande Pride Newsletters have multiple articles featuring the programs that support our Culture of Care Framework. For a full list of newsletters, please visit the following:

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The picture gallery highlights a few of the articles. Click on any of the photos to take you directly to the specific volume of our newsletter.